2019年5月6日 星期一

印象管理理論(Theory of Impression Management)在管理領域中學術應用

本期為大家介紹在管理等領域廣泛應用的理論模型——印象管理理論(Theory of Impression Management
印象管理理論Theory of Impression Management,簡稱TIM)是由美國社會學家、心理學家Erving Goffman提出,該理論解釋了人們試圖管理和控制他人對自己所形成的印象的過程。該理論認為印象管理存在於人們的社會互動過程中,並通過控制他人所獲得的資訊,試圖影響他人對自己的看法和行為。變數包含:印象、共鳴、不協調、感知真實。


Goffman, Erving. (1959). The Presentation of Self in. Butler, Bodies that Matter.

1.    自變數:印象 。
2.    干擾變數:共鳴、不協調。
3.    依變數:感知真實。

EX: 我對那個人有好感
EX: 我對那個人的看法和你相同
EX: 我對那個人的看法和你不一樣
感知真實(Perceived reality)
EX: 我認為他是紳士


Electronic window dressing: impression management with Websites
Winter, S. J., Saunders, C., & Hart, P. (2003)
European Journal of Information Systems, 12, 309–322.
Keywords: Impression management; websites; organizational image

Businesses have embraced the Internet to reap economic advantages through the use of Websites. Most Website design guidelines fail to address issues of branding and identity formation, focusing instead on concerns adapted from previous technologies. However, many firms are not getting their desired results from the Website investments they have made following design guidelines reflecting graphic layout and system usability issues. We suggest that Websites should be considered ‘electronic storefronts’ or public work areas providing frames of symbolic representations that create impressions of their sponsoring firms. Our exploratory study shows that Websites influence potential customers’ impressions of firms’ legitimacy, innovation and caring, and that these impressions vary significantly across firms and industries. Website visitors encounter symbols that are compared to mental models stored in memory and used to form impressions of the site and to draw inferences about the firm. These inferences have previously been found to influence purchasing behavior. Designers should be cognizant of these aspects of e-Business and executives should recognize the power of Web-based impression management. Identity management must take center stage in creating a Web presence.

Tactics of Impression Management: Relative Success on Workplace Relationship
Gwal, R. (2015)
The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 2(2), 37-44.
Keywords:  Impression Management, Self Promotion, Ingratiation, Exemplification, Intimidation, Supplication

Impression Management, the process by which people control the impressions others form of them, plays an important role in inter-personal behavior. All kinds of organizations consist of individuals with variety of personal characteristics; therefore those are important to manage them effectively. Identifying the behavior manner of each of these personal characteristics, interactions among them and interpersonal relations are on the basis of the impressions given and taken. Understanding one of the important determinants of individual’s social relations helps to get a broader insight of human beings. Employees try to sculpture their relationships in organizational settings as well. Impression management turns out to be a continuous activity among newcomers, used in order to be accepted by the organization, and among those who have matured with the organization, used in order to be influential (Demir, 2002).

