2019年9月1日 星期日

保護動機理論(Protection motivation theory)在教育領域中學術應用

本期為大家介紹在教育等領域廣泛應用的理論模型——保護動機理論(Protection motivation theory)
PMT的主要貢獻在於它能夠預測用戶在收到引起恐懼的威脅後保護自己的意圖:“PMT研究的目的通常是說服人們遵循溝通者的建議;因此,意圖表明了“試圖說服的有效性”一個人要進行適應性反應:(1)威脅評估包括知覺威脅的嚴重性和知覺的脆弱度。(2) 因應評估,包括反應效能、自我效能及反應成本。PMT說明中,恐懼被定義為“關係維度,在被判斷為危險並且採取保護措施的情況下被喚起”,一個人的反應效能和自我效能必須超過進行保護動機的反應成本。


1.    自變數:自變數:知覺的嚴重性、知覺的脆弱度、不適應獎勵。
2.    中介變數:害怕、反應效能、自我效能、反應成本、保護動機。
3.    依變數:安全相關行為。

Floyd, D. L., Prentice-Dunn, S., & Rogers, R. W. (2000). A Meta-Analysis of Research on Protection Motivation Theory. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 30(2), 407-429.

感知威脅嚴重性(Perceived Threat Severity )
EX: 當我在醫院時,我覺得病毒很多。
感知威脅脆弱性(Perceived Threat Vulnerability)
EX:當我在醫院時, 我覺得我很容易被傳染病毒。
適應不良獎勵(Maladaptive Rewards)
EX: 照顧傳染病的病人可得到更高的薪水。
EX: 我對病毒感到害怕。
反應效能(Response Efficacy)
EX: 我覺得戴口罩是可以減少病毒的侵犯。
自我效能(Self-efficacy )
EX: 我認為我有能力可以保護自己的身體免於病毒感染。
反應成本(Response Costs)
EX: 打疫苗來預防病毒感染是很省事的。
保護動機(Protection Motivation)
EX: 我想要保護自己的身體免於病毒感染的動力。
安全相關行為(Security-related Behaviors)
EX: 平時多吃維他命、戴口罩就可以免於病毒感染。


Development of an educational video to improve patient knowledge and communication with their healthcare providers about colorectal cancer screening
Katz, M. L., Heaner, S., Reiter, P., Van-Putten, J., Murray, L., McDougle, L., & Paskett, E. D. (2009).
American Journal of Health Education, 40(4), 220-228.
Keywords: information security, protection motivation theory, security model comparison, self-determination theory, user security behavior

Background—Low rates of colorectal cancer (CRC) screening persist due to individual, provider and system level barriers.

Purpose—To develop and obtain initial feedback about a CRC screening educational video from community members and medical professionals.

Methods—Focus groups of patients were conducted prior to the development of an educational video and focus groups of patients provided initial feedback about the developed CRC screening educational video. Medical personnel reviewed the video and made recommendations prior to final editing of the video.

Results—Patients identified CRC screening barriers and made suggestions about the information to include in the educational video. Their suggestions included using a healthcare provider to state the importance of completing CRC screening, demonstrate how to complete the fecal occult blood test, and that men and women from diverse ethnic groups and races could be included in the same video. Participants reviewed the developed video and mentioned that their suggestions were portrayed correctly, the video was culturally appropriate, and the information presented in the video was easy to understand. Medical personnel made suggestions on ways to improve the content and
the delivery of the medical information prior to final editing of the video.

Discussion—Participants provided valuable information in the development of an educational video to improve patient knowledge and patient-provider communication about CRC screening. The educational video developed was based on the Protection Motivation Theory and addressed the colon cancer screening barriers identified in this mostly minority and low-income patient population. Future research will determine if CRC screening increases among patients who watch the educational video.

Translation to Health Education Practice—Educational videos can provide important information about CRC and CRC screening to average-risk adults.

